If you're having trouble getting ApriBot to recognise the name of a Pokémon, you can use this page to find the name that ApriBot uses internally.
Name | Form (if relevant) | Use this for ApriBot... |
Bulbasaur | bulbasaur | |
Ivysaur | ivysaur | |
Venusaur | venusaur | |
Charmander | charmander | |
Charmeleon | charmeleon | |
Charizard | charizard | |
Squirtle | squirtle | |
Wartortle | wartortle | |
Blastoise | blastoise | |
Caterpie | caterpie | |
Metapod | metapod | |
Butterfree | butterfree | |
Weedle | weedle | |
Kakuna | kakuna | |
Beedrill | beedrill | |
Pidgey | pidgey | |
Pidgeotto | pidgeotto | |
Pidgeot | pidgeot | |
Rattata | rattata | |
Rattata | Alolan Rattata | rattata-alola |
Raticate | raticate | |
Raticate | Alolan Raticate | raticate-alola |
Spearow | spearow | |
Fearow | fearow | |
Ekans | ekans | |
Arbok | arbok | |
Pikachu | pikachu | |
Raichu | raichu | |
Raichu | Alolan Raichu | raichu-alola |
Sandshrew | sandshrew | |
Sandshrew | Alolan Sandshrew | sandshrew-alola |
Sandslash | sandslash | |
Sandslash | Alolan Sandslash | sandslash-alola |
Nidoran♀ | nidoran-female | |
Nidorina | nidorina | |
Nidoqueen | nidoqueen | |
Nidoran♂ | nidoran-male | |
Nidorino | nidorino | |
Nidoking | nidoking | |
Clefairy | clefairy | |
Clefable | clefable | |
Vulpix | vulpix | |
Vulpix | Alolan Vulpix | vulpix-alola |
Ninetales | ninetales | |
Ninetales | Alolan Ninetales | ninetales-alola |
Jigglypuff | jigglypuff | |
Wigglytuff | wigglytuff | |
Zubat | zubat | |
Golbat | golbat | |
Oddish | oddish | |
Gloom | gloom | |
Vileplume | vileplume | |
Paras | paras | |
Parasect | parasect | |
Venonat | venonat | |
Venomoth | venomoth | |
Diglett | diglett | |
Diglett | Alolan Diglett | diglett-alola |
Dugtrio | dugtrio | |
Dugtrio | Alolan Dugtrio | dugtrio-alola |
Meowth | meowth | |
Meowth | Alolan Meowth | meowth-alola |
Meowth | Galarian Meowth | meowth-galar |
Persian | persian | |
Persian | Alolan Persian | persian-alola |
Psyduck | psyduck | |
Golduck | golduck | |
Mankey | mankey | |
Primeape | primeape | |
Growlithe | growlithe | |
Growlithe | Hisuian Growlithe | growlithe-hisui |
Arcanine | arcanine | |
Arcanine | Hisuian Arcanine | arcanine-hisui |
Poliwag | poliwag | |
Poliwhirl | poliwhirl | |
Poliwrath | poliwrath | |
Abra | abra | |
Kadabra | kadabra | |
Alakazam | alakazam | |
Machop | machop | |
Machoke | machoke | |
Machamp | machamp | |
Bellsprout | bellsprout | |
Weepinbell | weepinbell | |
Victreebel | victreebel | |
Tentacool | tentacool | |
Tentacruel | tentacruel | |
Geodude | geodude | |
Geodude | Alolan Geodude | geodude-alola |
Graveler | graveler | |
Graveler | Alolan Graveler | graveler-alola |
Golem | golem | |
Golem | Alolan Golem | golem-alola |
Ponyta | ponyta | |
Ponyta | Galarian Ponyta | ponyta-galar |
Rapidash | rapidash | |
Rapidash | Galarian Rapidash | rapidash-galar |
Slowpoke | slowpoke | |
Slowpoke | Galarian Slowpoke | slowpoke-galar |
Slowbro | slowbro | |
Slowbro | Galarian Slowbro | slowbro-galar |
Magnemite | magnemite | |
Magneton | magneton | |
Farfetch'd | farfetchd | |
Farfetch'd | Galarian Farfetch'd | farfetchd-galar |
Doduo | doduo | |
Dodrio | dodrio | |
Seel | seel | |
Dewgong | dewgong | |
Grimer | grimer | |
Grimer | Alolan Grimer | grimer-alola |
Muk | muk | |
Muk | Alolan Muk | muk-alola |
Shellder | shellder | |
Cloyster | cloyster | |
Gastly | gastly | |
Haunter | haunter | |
Gengar | gengar | |
Onix | onix | |
Drowzee | drowzee | |
Hypno | hypno | |
Krabby | krabby | |
Kingler | kingler | |
Voltorb | voltorb | |
Voltorb | Hisuian Voltorb | voltorb-hisui |
Electrode | electrode | |
Electrode | Hisuian Electrode | electrode-hisui |
Exeggcute | exeggcute | |
Exeggutor | exeggutor | |
Exeggutor | Alolan Exeggutor | exeggutor-alola |
Cubone | cubone | |
Marowak | marowak | |
Marowak | Alolan Marowak | marowak-alola |
Hitmonlee | hitmonlee | |
Hitmonchan | hitmonchan | |
Lickitung | lickitung | |
Koffing | koffing | |
Weezing | weezing | |
Weezing | Galarian Weezing | weezing-galar |
Rhyhorn | rhyhorn | |
Rhydon | rhydon | |
Chansey | chansey | |
Tangela | tangela | |
Kangaskhan | kangaskhan | |
Horsea | horsea | |
Seadra | seadra | |
Goldeen | goldeen | |
Seaking | seaking | |
Staryu | staryu | |
Starmie | starmie | |
Mr. Mime | mr-mime | |
Mr. Mime | Galarian Mr. Mime | mr-mime-galar |
Scyther | scyther | |
Jynx | jynx | |
Electabuzz | electabuzz | |
Magmar | magmar | |
Pinsir | pinsir | |
Tauros | tauros | |
Tauros | Combat Breed | tauros-combat |
Tauros | Blaze Breed | tauros-blaze |
Tauros | Aqua Breed | tauros-aqua |
Magikarp | magikarp | |
Gyarados | gyarados | |
Lapras | lapras | |
Ditto | ditto | |
Eevee | eevee | |
Vaporeon | vaporeon | |
Jolteon | jolteon | |
Flareon | flareon | |
Porygon | porygon | |
Omanyte | omanyte | |
Omastar | omastar | |
Kabuto | kabuto | |
Kabutops | kabutops | |
Aerodactyl | aerodactyl | |
Snorlax | snorlax | |
Articuno | articuno | |
Articuno | Galarian Articuno | articuno-galar |
Zapdos | zapdos | |
Zapdos | Galarian Zapdos | zapdos-galar |
Moltres | moltres | |
Moltres | Galarian Moltres | moltres-galar |
Dratini | dratini | |
Dragonair | dragonair | |
Dragonite | dragonite | |
Mewtwo | mewtwo | |
Mew | mew | |
Chikorita | chikorita | |
Bayleef | bayleef | |
Meganium | meganium | |
Cyndaquil | cyndaquil | |
Quilava | quilava | |
Typhlosion | typhlosion | |
Typhlosion | Hisuian Typhlosion | typhlosion-hisui |
Totodile | totodile | |
Croconaw | croconaw | |
Feraligatr | feraligatr | |
Sentret | sentret | |
Furret | furret | |
Hoothoot | hoothoot | |
Noctowl | noctowl | |
Ledyba | ledyba | |
Ledian | ledian | |
Spinarak | spinarak | |
Ariados | ariados | |
Crobat | crobat | |
Chinchou | chinchou | |
Lanturn | lanturn | |
Pichu | pichu | |
Cleffa | cleffa | |
Igglybuff | igglybuff | |
Togepi | togepi | |
Togetic | togetic | |
Natu | natu | |
Xatu | xatu | |
Mareep | mareep | |
Flaaffy | flaaffy | |
Ampharos | ampharos | |
Bellossom | bellossom | |
Marill | marill | |
Azumarill | azumarill | |
Sudowoodo | sudowoodo | |
Politoed | politoed | |
Hoppip | hoppip | |
Skiploom | skiploom | |
Jumpluff | jumpluff | |
Aipom | aipom | |
Sunkern | sunkern | |
Sunflora | sunflora | |
Yanma | yanma | |
Wooper | wooper | |
Wooper | Paldean Wooper | wooper-paldea |
Quagsire | quagsire | |
Espeon | espeon | |
Umbreon | umbreon | |
Murkrow | murkrow | |
Slowking | slowking | |
Slowking | Galarian Slowking | slowking-galar |
Misdreavus | misdreavus | |
Unown | unown | |
Wobbuffet | wobbuffet | |
Girafarig | girafarig | |
Pineco | pineco | |
Forretress | forretress | |
Dunsparce | dunsparce | |
Gligar | gligar | |
Steelix | steelix | |
Snubbull | snubbull | |
Granbull | granbull | |
Qwilfish | qwilfish | |
Qwilfish | Hisuian Qwilfish | qwilfish-hisui |
Scizor | scizor | |
Shuckle | shuckle | |
Heracross | heracross | |
Sneasel | sneasel | |
Sneasel | Hisuian Sneasel | sneasel-hisui |
Teddiursa | teddiursa | |
Ursaring | ursaring | |
Slugma | slugma | |
Magcargo | magcargo | |
Swinub | swinub | |
Piloswine | piloswine | |
Corsola | corsola | |
Corsola | Galarian Corsola | corsola-galar |
Remoraid | remoraid | |
Octillery | octillery | |
Delibird | delibird | |
Mantine | mantine | |
Skarmory | skarmory | |
Houndour | houndour | |
Houndoom | houndoom | |
Kingdra | kingdra | |
Phanpy | phanpy | |
Donphan | donphan | |
Porygon2 | porygon2 | |
Stantler | stantler | |
Smeargle | smeargle | |
Tyrogue | tyrogue | |
Hitmontop | hitmontop | |
Smoochum | smoochum | |
Elekid | elekid | |
Magby | magby | |
Miltank | miltank | |
Blissey | blissey | |
Raikou | raikou | |
Entei | entei | |
Suicune | suicune | |
Larvitar | larvitar | |
Pupitar | pupitar | |
Tyranitar | tyranitar | |
Lugia | lugia | |
Ho-oh | ho-oh | |
Celebi | celebi | |
Treecko | treecko | |
Grovyle | grovyle | |
Sceptile | sceptile | |
Torchic | torchic | |
Combusken | combusken | |
Blaziken | blaziken | |
Mudkip | mudkip | |
Marshtomp | marshtomp | |
Swampert | swampert | |
Poochyena | poochyena | |
Mightyena | mightyena | |
Zigzagoon | zigzagoon | |
Zigzagoon | Galarian Zigzagoon | zigzagoon-galar |
Linoone | linoone | |
Linoone | Galarian Linoone | linoone-galar |
Wurmple | wurmple | |
Silcoon | silcoon | |
Beautifly | beautifly | |
Cascoon | cascoon | |
Dustox | dustox | |
Lotad | lotad | |
Lombre | lombre | |
Ludicolo | ludicolo | |
Seedot | seedot | |
Nuzleaf | nuzleaf | |
Shiftry | shiftry | |
Taillow | taillow | |
Swellow | swellow | |
Wingull | wingull | |
Pelipper | pelipper | |
Ralts | ralts | |
Kirlia | kirlia | |
Gardevoir | gardevoir | |
Surskit | surskit | |
Masquerain | masquerain | |
Shroomish | shroomish | |
Breloom | breloom | |
Slakoth | slakoth | |
Vigoroth | vigoroth | |
Slaking | slaking | |
Nincada | nincada | |
Ninjask | ninjask | |
Shedinja | shedinja | |
Whismur | whismur | |
Loudred | loudred | |
Exploud | exploud | |
Makuhita | makuhita | |
Hariyama | hariyama | |
Azurill | azurill | |
Nosepass | nosepass | |
Skitty | skitty | |
Delcatty | delcatty | |
Sableye | sableye | |
Mawile | mawile | |
Aron | aron | |
Lairon | lairon | |
Aggron | aggron | |
Meditite | meditite | |
Medicham | medicham | |
Electrike | electrike | |
Manectric | manectric | |
Plusle | plusle | |
Minun | minun | |
Volbeat | volbeat | |
Illumise | illumise | |
Roselia | roselia | |
Gulpin | gulpin | |
Swalot | swalot | |
Carvanha | carvanha | |
Sharpedo | sharpedo | |
Wailmer | wailmer | |
Wailord | wailord | |
Numel | numel | |
Camerupt | camerupt | |
Torkoal | torkoal | |
Spoink | spoink | |
Grumpig | grumpig | |
Spinda | spinda | |
Trapinch | trapinch | |
Vibrava | vibrava | |
Flygon | flygon | |
Cacnea | cacnea | |
Cacturne | cacturne | |
Swablu | swablu | |
Altaria | altaria | |
Zangoose | zangoose | |
Seviper | seviper | |
Lunatone | lunatone | |
Solrock | solrock | |
Barboach | barboach | |
Whiscash | whiscash | |
Corphish | corphish | |
Crawdaunt | crawdaunt | |
Baltoy | baltoy | |
Claydol | claydol | |
Lileep | lileep | |
Cradily | cradily | |
Anorith | anorith | |
Armaldo | armaldo | |
Feebas | feebas | |
Milotic | milotic | |
Castform | castform | |
Castform | Sunny Form | castform-sunny |
Castform | Rainy Form | castform-rainy |
Castform | Snowy Form | castform-snowy |
Kecleon | kecleon | |
Shuppet | shuppet | |
Banette | banette | |
Duskull | duskull | |
Dusclops | dusclops | |
Tropius | tropius | |
Chimecho | chimecho | |
Absol | absol | |
Wynaut | wynaut | |
Snorunt | snorunt | |
Glalie | glalie | |
Spheal | spheal | |
Sealeo | sealeo | |
Walrein | walrein | |
Clamperl | clamperl | |
Huntail | huntail | |
Gorebyss | gorebyss | |
Relicanth | relicanth | |
Luvdisc | luvdisc | |
Bagon | bagon | |
Shelgon | shelgon | |
Salamence | salamence | |
Beldum | beldum | |
Metang | metang | |
Metagross | metagross | |
Regirock | regirock | |
Regice | regice | |
Registeel | registeel | |
Latias | latias | |
Latios | latios | |
Kyogre | kyogre | |
Groudon | groudon | |
Rayquaza | rayquaza | |
Jirachi | jirachi | |
Deoxys | Normal Forme | deoxys-normal |
Deoxys | Attack Forme | deoxys-attack |
Deoxys | Defense Forme | deoxys-defense |
Deoxys | Speed Forme | deoxys-speed |
Turtwig | turtwig | |
Grotle | grotle | |
Torterra | torterra | |
Chimchar | chimchar | |
Monferno | monferno | |
Infernape | infernape | |
Piplup | piplup | |
Prinplup | prinplup | |
Empoleon | empoleon | |
Starly | starly | |
Staravia | staravia | |
Staraptor | staraptor | |
Bidoof | bidoof | |
Bibarel | bibarel | |
Kricketot | kricketot | |
Kricketune | kricketune | |
Shinx | shinx | |
Luxio | luxio | |
Luxray | luxray | |
Budew | budew | |
Roserade | roserade | |
Cranidos | cranidos | |
Rampardos | rampardos | |
Shieldon | shieldon | |
Bastiodon | bastiodon | |
Burmy | Plant Cloak | burmy-plant |
Burmy | Sandy Cloak | burmy-sandy |
Burmy | Trash Cloak | burmy-trash |
Wormadam | Plant Cloak | wormadam-plant |
Wormadam | Sandy Cloak | wormadam-sandy |
Wormadam | Trash Cloak | wormadam-trash |
Mothim | mothim | |
Combee | combee | |
Vespiquen | vespiquen | |
Pachirisu | pachirisu | |
Buizel | buizel | |
Floatzel | floatzel | |
Cherubi | cherubi | |
Cherrim | cherrim | |
Shellos | shellos | |
Gastrodon | gastrodon | |
Ambipom | ambipom | |
Drifloon | drifloon | |
Drifblim | drifblim | |
Buneary | buneary | |
Lopunny | lopunny | |
Mismagius | mismagius | |
Honchkrow | honchkrow | |
Glameow | glameow | |
Purugly | purugly | |
Chingling | chingling | |
Stunky | stunky | |
Skuntank | skuntank | |
Bronzor | bronzor | |
Bronzong | bronzong | |
Bonsly | bonsly | |
Mime Jr. | mime-jr | |
Happiny | happiny | |
Chatot | chatot | |
Spiritomb | spiritomb | |
Gible | gible | |
Gabite | gabite | |
Garchomp | garchomp | |
Munchlax | munchlax | |
Riolu | riolu | |
Lucario | lucario | |
Hippopotas | hippopotas | |
Hippowdon | hippowdon | |
Skorupi | skorupi | |
Drapion | drapion | |
Croagunk | croagunk | |
Toxicroak | toxicroak | |
Carnivine | carnivine | |
Finneon | finneon | |
Lumineon | lumineon | |
Mantyke | mantyke | |
Snover | snover | |
Abomasnow | abomasnow | |
Weavile | weavile | |
Magnezone | magnezone | |
Lickilicky | lickilicky | |
Rhyperior | rhyperior | |
Tangrowth | tangrowth | |
Electivire | electivire | |
Magmortar | magmortar | |
Togekiss | togekiss | |
Yanmega | yanmega | |
Leafeon | leafeon | |
Glaceon | glaceon | |
Gliscor | gliscor | |
Mamoswine | mamoswine | |
Porygon-Z | porygon-z | |
Gallade | gallade | |
Probopass | probopass | |
Dusknoir | dusknoir | |
Froslass | froslass | |
Rotom | rotom | |
Rotom | Heat Rotom | rotom-heat |
Rotom | Wash Rotom | rotom-wash |
Rotom | Frost Rotom | rotom-frost |
Rotom | Fan Rotom | rotom-fan |
Rotom | Mow Rotom | rotom-mow |
Uxie | uxie | |
Mesprit | mesprit | |
Azelf | azelf | |
Dialga | dialga | |
Dialga | Origin Forme | dialga-origin |
Palkia | palkia | |
Palkia | Origin Forme | palkia-origin |
Heatran | heatran | |
Regigigas | regigigas | |
Giratina | Altered Forme | giratina-altered |
Giratina | Origin Forme | giratina-origin |
Cresselia | cresselia | |
Phione | phione | |
Manaphy | manaphy | |
Darkrai | darkrai | |
Shaymin | Land Forme | shaymin-land |
Shaymin | Sky Forme | shaymin-sky |
Arceus | arceus | |
Victini | victini | |
Snivy | snivy | |
Servine | servine | |
Serperior | serperior | |
Tepig | tepig | |
Pignite | pignite | |
Emboar | emboar | |
Oshawott | oshawott | |
Dewott | dewott | |
Samurott | samurott | |
Samurott | Hisuian Samurott | samurott-hisui |
Patrat | patrat | |
Watchog | watchog | |
Lillipup | lillipup | |
Herdier | herdier | |
Stoutland | stoutland | |
Purrloin | purrloin | |
Liepard | liepard | |
Pansage | pansage | |
Simisage | simisage | |
Pansear | pansear | |
Simisear | simisear | |
Panpour | panpour | |
Simipour | simipour | |
Munna | munna | |
Musharna | musharna | |
Pidove | pidove | |
Tranquill | tranquill | |
Unfezant | unfezant | |
Blitzle | blitzle | |
Zebstrika | zebstrika | |
Roggenrola | roggenrola | |
Boldore | boldore | |
Gigalith | gigalith | |
Woobat | woobat | |
Swoobat | swoobat | |
Drilbur | drilbur | |
Excadrill | excadrill | |
Audino | audino | |
Timburr | timburr | |
Gurdurr | gurdurr | |
Conkeldurr | conkeldurr | |
Tympole | tympole | |
Palpitoad | palpitoad | |
Seismitoad | seismitoad | |
Throh | throh | |
Sawk | sawk | |
Sewaddle | sewaddle | |
Swadloon | swadloon | |
Leavanny | leavanny | |
Venipede | venipede | |
Whirlipede | whirlipede | |
Scolipede | scolipede | |
Cottonee | cottonee | |
Whimsicott | whimsicott | |
Petilil | petilil | |
Lilligant | lilligant | |
Lilligant | Hisuian Lilligant | lilligant-hisui |
Basculin | Red-Striped Form | basculin-red |
Basculin | Blue-Striped Form | basculin-blue |
Basculin | White-Striped Form | basculin-white |
Sandile | sandile | |
Krokorok | krokorok | |
Krookodile | krookodile | |
Darumaka | darumaka | |
Darumaka | Galarian Darumaka | darumaka-galar |
Darmanitan | Standard Mode | darmanitan |
Darmanitan | Zen Mode | darmanitan-zen |
Darmanitan | Galarian Standard Mode | darmanitan-galar |
Darmanitan | Galarian Zen Mode | darmanitan-galar-zen |
Maractus | maractus | |
Dwebble | dwebble | |
Crustle | crustle | |
Scraggy | scraggy | |
Scrafty | scrafty | |
Sigilyph | sigilyph | |
Yamask | yamask | |
Yamask | Galarian Yamask | yamask-galar |
Cofagrigus | cofagrigus | |
Tirtouga | tirtouga | |
Carracosta | carracosta | |
Archen | archen | |
Archeops | archeops | |
Trubbish | trubbish | |
Garbodor | garbodor | |
Zorua | zorua | |
Zorua | Hisuian Zorua | zorua-hisui |
Zoroark | zoroark | |
Zoroark | Hisuian Zoroark | zoroark-hisui |
Minccino | minccino | |
Cinccino | cinccino | |
Gothita | gothita | |
Gothorita | gothorita | |
Gothitelle | gothitelle | |
Solosis | solosis | |
Duosion | duosion | |
Reuniclus | reuniclus | |
Ducklett | ducklett | |
Swanna | swanna | |
Vanillite | vanillite | |
Vanillish | vanillish | |
Vanilluxe | vanilluxe | |
Deerling | deerling | |
Sawsbuck | sawsbuck | |
Emolga | emolga | |
Karrablast | karrablast | |
Escavalier | escavalier | |
Foongus | foongus | |
Amoonguss | amoonguss | |
Frillish | frillish | |
Jellicent | jellicent | |
Alomomola | alomomola | |
Joltik | joltik | |
Galvantula | galvantula | |
Ferroseed | ferroseed | |
Ferrothorn | ferrothorn | |
Klink | klink | |
Klang | klang | |
Klinklang | klinklang | |
Tynamo | tynamo | |
Eelektrik | eelektrik | |
Eelektross | eelektross | |
Elgyem | elgyem | |
Beheeyem | beheeyem | |
Litwick | litwick | |
Lampent | lampent | |
Chandelure | chandelure | |
Axew | axew | |
Fraxure | fraxure | |
Haxorus | haxorus | |
Cubchoo | cubchoo | |
Beartic | beartic | |
Cryogonal | cryogonal | |
Shelmet | shelmet | |
Accelgor | accelgor | |
Stunfisk | stunfisk | |
Stunfisk | Galarian Stunfisk | stunfisk-galar |
Mienfoo | mienfoo | |
Mienshao | mienshao | |
Druddigon | druddigon | |
Golett | golett | |
Golurk | golurk | |
Pawniard | pawniard | |
Bisharp | bisharp | |
Bouffalant | bouffalant | |
Rufflet | rufflet | |
Braviary | braviary | |
Braviary | Hisuian Braviary | braviary-hisui |
Vullaby | vullaby | |
Mandibuzz | mandibuzz | |
Heatmor | heatmor | |
Durant | durant | |
Deino | deino | |
Zweilous | zweilous | |
Hydreigon | hydreigon | |
Larvesta | larvesta | |
Volcarona | volcarona | |
Cobalion | cobalion | |
Terrakion | terrakion | |
Virizion | virizion | |
Tornadus | Incarnate Forme | tornadus-incarnate |
Tornadus | Therian Forme | tornadus-therian |
Thundurus | Incarnate Forme | thundurus-incarnate |
Thundurus | Therian Forme | thundurus-therian |
Reshiram | reshiram | |
Zekrom | zekrom | |
Landorus | Incarnate Forme | landorus-incarnate |
Landorus | Therian Forme | landorus-therian |
Kyurem | kyurem | |
Kyurem | White Kyurem | kyurem-white |
Kyurem | Black Kyurem | kyurem-black |
Keldeo | Ordinary Form | keldeo-ordinary |
Keldeo | Resolute Form | keldeo-resolute |
Meloetta | Aria Forme | meloetta-aria |
Meloetta | Pirouette Forme | meloetta-pirouette |
Genesect | genesect | |
Chespin | chespin | |
Quilladin | quilladin | |
Chesnaught | chesnaught | |
Fennekin | fennekin | |
Braixen | braixen | |
Delphox | delphox | |
Froakie | froakie | |
Frogadier | frogadier | |
Greninja | greninja | |
Bunnelby | bunnelby | |
Diggersby | diggersby | |
Fletchling | fletchling | |
Fletchinder | fletchinder | |
Talonflame | talonflame | |
Scatterbug | scatterbug | |
Spewpa | spewpa | |
Vivillon | vivillon | |
Litleo | litleo | |
Pyroar | pyroar | |
Flabébé | flabebe | |
Floette | floette | |
Florges | florges | |
Skiddo | skiddo | |
Gogoat | gogoat | |
Pancham | pancham | |
Pangoro | pangoro | |
Furfrou | furfrou | |
Espurr | espurr | |
Meowstic | Male | meowstic-male |
Meowstic | Female | meowstic-female |
Honedge | honedge | |
Doublade | doublade | |
Aegislash | Shield Forme | aegislash-shield |
Aegislash | Blade Forme | aegislash-blade |
Spritzee | spritzee | |
Aromatisse | aromatisse | |
Swirlix | swirlix | |
Slurpuff | slurpuff | |
Inkay | inkay | |
Malamar | malamar | |
Binacle | binacle | |
Barbaracle | barbaracle | |
Skrelp | skrelp | |
Dragalge | dragalge | |
Clauncher | clauncher | |
Clawitzer | clawitzer | |
Helioptile | helioptile | |
Heliolisk | heliolisk | |
Tyrunt | tyrunt | |
Tyrantrum | tyrantrum | |
Amaura | amaura | |
Aurorus | aurorus | |
Sylveon | sylveon | |
Hawlucha | hawlucha | |
Dedenne | dedenne | |
Carbink | carbink | |
Goomy | goomy | |
Sliggoo | sliggoo | |
Sliggoo | Hisuian Sliggoo | sliggoo-hisui |
Goodra | goodra | |
Goodra | Hisuian Goodra | goodra-hisui |
Klefki | klefki | |
Phantump | phantump | |
Trevenant | trevenant | |
Pumpkaboo | Average Size | pumpkaboo-average |
Pumpkaboo | Small Size | pumpkaboo-small |
Pumpkaboo | Large Size | pumpkaboo-large |
Pumpkaboo | Super Size | pumpkaboo-super |
Gourgeist | Average Size | gourgeist-average |
Gourgeist | Small Size | gourgeist-small |
Gourgeist | Large Size | gourgeist-large |
Gourgeist | Super Size | gourgeist-super |
Bergmite | bergmite | |
Avalugg | avalugg | |
Avalugg | Hisuian Avalugg | avalugg-hisui |
Noibat | noibat | |
Noivern | noivern | |
Xerneas | xerneas | |
Yveltal | yveltal | |
Zygarde | 50% Forme | zygarde-50 |
Zygarde | 10% Forme | zygarde-10 |
Zygarde | Complete Forme | zygarde-complete |
Diancie | diancie | |
Hoopa | Hoopa Confined | hoopa-confined |
Hoopa | Hoopa Unbound | hoopa-unbound |
Volcanion | volcanion | |
Rowlet | rowlet | |
Dartrix | dartrix | |
Decidueye | decidueye | |
Decidueye | Hisuian Decidueye | decidueye-hisui |
Litten | litten | |
Torracat | torracat | |
Incineroar | incineroar | |
Popplio | popplio | |
Brionne | brionne | |
Primarina | primarina | |
Pikipek | pikipek | |
Trumbeak | trumbeak | |
Toucannon | toucannon | |
Yungoos | yungoos | |
Gumshoos | gumshoos | |
Grubbin | grubbin | |
Charjabug | charjabug | |
Vikavolt | vikavolt | |
Crabrawler | crabrawler | |
Crabominable | crabominable | |
Oricorio | Baile Style | oricorio-baile |
Oricorio | Pom-Pom Style | oricorio-pom-pom |
Oricorio | Pa'u Style | oricorio-pau |
Oricorio | Sensu Style | oricorio-sensu |
Cutiefly | cutiefly | |
Ribombee | ribombee | |
Rockruff | rockruff | |
Rockruff | Own Tempo Rockruff | rockruff-dusk |
Lycanroc | Midday Form | lycanroc-midday |
Lycanroc | Midnight Form | lycanroc-midnight |
Lycanroc | Dusk Form | lycanroc-dusk |
Wishiwashi | Solo Form | wishiwashi-solo |
Wishiwashi | School Form | wishiwashi-school |
Mareanie | mareanie | |
Toxapex | toxapex | |
Mudbray | mudbray | |
Mudsdale | mudsdale | |
Dewpider | dewpider | |
Araquanid | araquanid | |
Fomantis | fomantis | |
Lurantis | lurantis | |
Morelull | morelull | |
Shiinotic | shiinotic | |
Salandit | salandit | |
Salazzle | salazzle | |
Stufful | stufful | |
Bewear | bewear | |
Bounsweet | bounsweet | |
Steenee | steenee | |
Tsareena | tsareena | |
Comfey | comfey | |
Oranguru | oranguru | |
Passimian | passimian | |
Wimpod | wimpod | |
Golisopod | golisopod | |
Sandygast | sandygast | |
Palossand | palossand | |
Pyukumuku | pyukumuku | |
Type: Null | type-null | |
Silvally | silvally | |
Minior | Meteor Form | minior-meteor |
Minior | Core Form | minior-core |
Komala | komala | |
Turtonator | turtonator | |
Togedemaru | togedemaru | |
Mimikyu | mimikyu | |
Bruxish | bruxish | |
Drampa | drampa | |
Dhelmise | dhelmise | |
Jangmo-o | jangmo-o | |
Hakamo-o | hakamo-o | |
Kommo-o | kommo-o | |
Tapu Koko | tapu-koko | |
Tapu Lele | tapu-lele | |
Tapu Bulu | tapu-bulu | |
Tapu Fini | tapu-fini | |
Cosmog | cosmog | |
Cosmoem | cosmoem | |
Solgaleo | solgaleo | |
Lunala | lunala | |
Nihilego | nihilego | |
Buzzwole | buzzwole | |
Pheromosa | pheromosa | |
Xurkitree | xurkitree | |
Celesteela | celesteela | |
Kartana | kartana | |
Guzzlord | guzzlord | |
Necrozma | necrozma | |
Necrozma | Dusk Mane Necrozma | necrozma-dusk-mane |
Necrozma | Dawn Wings Necrozma | necrozma-dawn-wings |
Necrozma | Ultra Necrozma | necrozma-ultra |
Magearna | magearna | |
Marshadow | marshadow | |
Poipole | poipole | |
Naganadel | naganadel | |
Stakataka | stakataka | |
Blacephalon | blacephalon | |
Zeraora | zeraora | |
Meltan | meltan | |
Melmetal | melmetal | |
Grookey | grookey | |
Thwackey | thwackey | |
Rillaboom | rillaboom | |
Scorbunny | scorbunny | |
Raboot | raboot | |
Cinderace | cinderace | |
Sobble | sobble | |
Drizzile | drizzile | |
Inteleon | inteleon | |
Skwovet | skwovet | |
Greedent | greedent | |
Rookidee | rookidee | |
Corvisquire | corvisquire | |
Corviknight | corviknight | |
Blipbug | blipbug | |
Dottler | dottler | |
Orbeetle | orbeetle | |
Nickit | nickit | |
Thievul | thievul | |
Gossifleur | gossifleur | |
Eldegoss | eldegoss | |
Wooloo | wooloo | |
Dubwool | dubwool | |
Chewtle | chewtle | |
Drednaw | drednaw | |
Yamper | yamper | |
Boltund | boltund | |
Rolycoly | rolycoly | |
Carkol | carkol | |
Coalossal | coalossal | |
Applin | applin | |
Flapple | flapple | |
Appletun | appletun | |
Silicobra | silicobra | |
Sandaconda | sandaconda | |
Cramorant | cramorant | |
Arrokuda | arrokuda | |
Barraskewda | barraskewda | |
Toxel | toxel | |
Toxtricity | Amped Form | toxtricity-amped |
Toxtricity | Low Key Form | toxtricity-low-key |
Sizzlipede | sizzlipede | |
Centiskorch | centiskorch | |
Clobbopus | clobbopus | |
Grapploct | grapploct | |
Sinistea | sinistea | |
Polteageist | polteageist | |
Hatenna | hatenna | |
Hattrem | hattrem | |
Hatterene | hatterene | |
Impidimp | impidimp | |
Morgrem | morgrem | |
Grimmsnarl | grimmsnarl | |
Obstagoon | obstagoon | |
Perrserker | perrserker | |
Cursola | cursola | |
Sirfetch'd | sirfetchd | |
Mr. Rime | mr-rime | |
Runerigus | runerigus | |
Milcery | milcery | |
Alcremie | alcremie | |
Falinks | falinks | |
Pincurchin | pincurchin | |
Snom | snom | |
Frosmoth | frosmoth | |
Stonjourner | stonjourner | |
Eiscue | Ice Face | eiscue-ice |
Eiscue | Noice Face | eiscue-noice |
Indeedee | Male | indeedee-male |
Indeedee | Female | indeedee-female |
Morpeko | Full Belly Mode | morpeko-full-belly |
Morpeko | Hangry Mode | morpeko-hangry |
Cufant | cufant | |
Copperajah | copperajah | |
Dracozolt | dracozolt | |
Arctozolt | arctozolt | |
Dracovish | dracovish | |
Arctovish | arctovish | |
Duraludon | duraludon | |
Dreepy | dreepy | |
Drakloak | drakloak | |
Dragapult | dragapult | |
Zacian | Hero of Many Battles | zacian |
Zacian | Crowned Sword | zacian-crowned |
Zamazenta | Hero of Many Battles | zamazenta |
Zamazenta | Crowned Shield | zamazenta-crowned |
Eternatus | eternatus | |
Kubfu | kubfu | |
Urshifu | Single Strike Style | urshifu-single |
Urshifu | Rapid Strike Style | urshifu-rapid |
Zarude | zarude | |
Regieleki | regieleki | |
Regidrago | regidrago | |
Glastrier | glastrier | |
Spectrier | spectrier | |
Calyrex | calyrex | |
Calyrex | Ice Rider | calyrex-ice |
Calyrex | Shadow Rider | calyrex-shadow |
Wyrdeer | wyrdeer | |
Kleavor | kleavor | |
Ursaluna | ursaluna | |
Ursaluna | Bloodmoon | ursaluna-bloodmoon |
Basculegion | Male | basculegion-male |
Basculegion | Female | basculegion-female |
Sneasler | sneasler | |
Overqwil | overqwil | |
Enamorus | Incarnate Forme | enamorus-incarnate |
Enamorus | Therian Forme | enamorus-therian |
Sprigatito | sprigatito | |
Floragato | floragato | |
Meowscarada | meowscarada | |
Fuecoco | fuecoco | |
Crocalor | crocalor | |
Skeledirge | skeledirge | |
Quaxly | quaxly | |
Quaxwell | quaxwell | |
Quaquaval | quaquaval | |
Lechonk | lechonk | |
Oinkologne | Male | oinkologne-male |
Oinkologne | Female | oinkologne-female |
Tarountula | tarountula | |
Spidops | spidops | |
Nymble | nymble | |
Lokix | lokix | |
Pawmi | pawmi | |
Pawmo | pawmo | |
Pawmot | pawmot | |
Tandemaus | tandemaus | |
Maushold | Family of Four | maushold-four |
Maushold | Family of Three | maushold-three |
Fidough | fidough | |
Dachsbun | dachsbun | |
Smoliv | smoliv | |
Dolliv | dolliv | |
Arboliva | arboliva | |
Squawkabilly | Green Plumage | squawkabilly-green |
Squawkabilly | Blue Plumage | squawkabilly-blue |
Squawkabilly | Yellow Plumage | squawkabilly-yellow |
Squawkabilly | White Plumage | squawkabilly-white |
Nacli | nacli | |
Naclstack | naclstack | |
Garganacl | garganacl | |
Charcadet | charcadet | |
Armarouge | armarouge | |
Ceruledge | ceruledge | |
Tadbulb | tadbulb | |
Bellibolt | bellibolt | |
Wattrel | wattrel | |
Kilowattrel | kilowattrel | |
Maschiff | maschiff | |
Mabosstiff | mabosstiff | |
Shroodle | shroodle | |
Grafaiai | grafaiai | |
Bramblin | bramblin | |
Brambleghast | brambleghast | |
Toedscool | toedscool | |
Toedscruel | toedscruel | |
Klawf | klawf | |
Capsakid | capsakid | |
Scovillain | scovillain | |
Rellor | rellor | |
Rabsca | rabsca | |
Flittle | flittle | |
Espathra | espathra | |
Tinkatink | tinkatink | |
Tinkatuff | tinkatuff | |
Tinkaton | tinkaton | |
Wiglett | wiglett | |
Wugtrio | wugtrio | |
Bombirdier | bombirdier | |
Finizen | finizen | |
Palafin | Zero Form | palafin-zero |
Palafin | Hero Form | palafin-hero |
Varoom | varoom | |
Revavroom | revavroom | |
Cyclizar | cyclizar | |
Orthworm | orthworm | |
Glimmet | glimmet | |
Glimmora | glimmora | |
Greavard | greavard | |
Houndstone | houndstone | |
Flamigo | flamigo | |
Cetoddle | cetoddle | |
Cetitan | cetitan | |
Veluza | veluza | |
Dondozo | dondozo | |
Tatsugiri | Curly Form | tatsugiri-curly |
Tatsugiri | Droopy Form | tatsugiri-droopy |
Tatsugiri | Stretchy Form | tatsugiri-stretchy |
Annihilape | annihilape | |
Clodsire | clodsire | |
Farigiraf | farigiraf | |
Dudunsparce | Two-Segment Form | dudunsparce-two-segment |
Dudunsparce | Three-Segment Form | dudunsparce-three-segment |
Kingambit | kingambit | |
Great Tusk | great-tusk | |
Scream Tail | scream-tail | |
Brute Bonnet | brute-bonnet | |
Flutter Mane | flutter-mane | |
Slither Wing | slither-wing | |
Sandy Shocks | sandy-shocks | |
Iron Treads | iron-treads | |
Iron Bundle | iron-bundle | |
Iron Hands | iron-hands | |
Iron Jugulis | iron-jugulis | |
Iron Moth | iron-moth | |
Iron Thorns | iron-thorns | |
Frigibax | frigibax | |
Arctibax | arctibax | |
Baxcalibur | baxcalibur | |
Gimmighoul | Chest Form | gimmighoul-chest |
Gimmighoul | Roaming Form | gimmighoul-roaming |
Gholdengo | gholdengo | |
Wo-Chien | wo-chien | |
Chien-Pao | chien-pao | |
Ting-Lu | ting-lu | |
Chi-Yu | chi-yu | |
Roaring Moon | roaring-moon | |
Iron Valiant | iron-valiant | |
Koraidon | koraidon | |
Miraidon | miraidon | |
Walking Wake | walking-wake | |
Iron Leaves | iron-leaves | |
Dipplin | dipplin | |
Poltchageist | poltchageist | |
Sinistcha | sinistcha | |
Okidogi | okidogi | |
Munkidori | munkidori | |
Fezandipiti | fezandipiti | |
Ogerpon | Hearthflame Mask | ogerpon-hearthflame |
Ogerpon | Teal Mask | ogerpon-teal |
Ogerpon | Cornerstone Mask | ogerpon-cornerstone |
Ogerpon | Wellspring Mask | ogerpon-wellspring |
Archaludon | archaludon | |
Hydrapple | hydrapple | |
Gouging Fire | gouging-fire | |
Raging Bolt | raging-bolt | |
Iron Boulder | iron-boulder | |
Iron Crown | iron-crown | |
Terapagos | Normal Form | terapagos-normal |
Terapagos | Terastal Form | terapagos-terastal |
Terapagos | Stellar Form | terapagos-stellar |
Pecharunt | pecharunt |