
ApriBot is a bot for the Aprimarket Discord server, a trading hub for Pokémon in Apricorn and other rare balls. (Are you not a member of the server? Here's an invite link!)

ApriBot provides a few commands in the server itself (type !help in any channel to see this). Apart from that, ApriBot also monitors new posts on the /r/pokemontrades subreddit and identifies potential Aprimon-related threads, using a machine learning algorithm trained on manually labelled /r/pokemontrades posts.

So far, ApriBot's new algorithm has processed a total of 59150 posts, of which 5712 (9.66%) were hits. This page shows you the most recent 50 hits and non-hits, ordered by most recent first.

ApriBot's tech stack is Haskell, SvelteKit, PostgreSQL, and Python for the ML bits. If you have any questions about ApriBot, feel free to get in touch with me, either via GitHub or Reddit.


Post ID Local time Submitter Flair Title
1jj79av 2025-03-25 00:55:40/u/St0rm24HomeLF: Love Ball Sprigatito // FT: Friend Ball Sprigatito
1jj56uj 2025-03-24 23:20:33/u/dirty-iciclesSVLF: sprigatito evo line in a moon ball
1jj4xd4 2025-03-24 23:09:32/u/PandahHeartSWSHLF: HA Aprimons FT: HA Aprimons
1jj0hvs 2025-03-24 20:08:47/u/SonictrainerGiveawaySonictrainer Shop Giveaway #53: Spring Cleaning 2025 Part 1 (Free Lure & Moon Balls in Scarlet & Violet)
1jivq4w 2025-03-24 17:02:25/u/Evie_xivSVLF specific breeds, ability patches & apriballs - FT HA Aprimon
1jikrn0 2025-03-24 06:57:31/u/Ghostly_EmojiSVLooking for sprigatito, floragato, or meowscarada in a friend ball
1jic7ge 2025-03-23 22:54:15/u/PandahHeartSVLF: HA Aprimons FT: HA Aprimons
1jhx4em 2025-03-23 11:25:42/u/BloodrosePhyeSVLF: Moon Balls / Aprimons in a Moon Ball! FT: Aprimons!
1jhtijy 2025-03-23 07:02:16/u/St0rm24HomeLF: Love Ball aprimons // On-hands aprimons
1jhtfvr 2025-03-23 06:57:20/u/adrientaglishesSVLF: Apriball Morpeko, Apriball Paldean Starters; FT: Gen 9 Aprimons
1jhonp3 2025-03-23 01:59:04/u/RageofToroSVLF HA Ultra Ball Sprigatito and HA Quick Ball Fuecoco/ FT Paldea Starters in Apri/Shopballs
1jhojrr 2025-03-23 01:53:03/u/PandahHeartSVLF: HA Aprimons FT: HA Aprimons
1jhlgr5 2025-03-22 23:16:10/u/Dinot3SVLF: Heal ball fuecoco and dive ball quaxly! FT: apriball/ shop ball Paldea starters
1jhh172 2025-03-22 19:52:06/u/WinterSnow-5822SVLF HA sport Maschiff FT any other aprimon combo in sv
1jhfmk9 2025-03-22 18:50:30/u/custom_wandererSVLF: Pokemon with Happy Hour FT: Items/Aprimon/Dex Help
1jhc8qy 2025-03-22 16:23:40/u/SnooComics9722SVLf scarlet exclusives ft aprimons, HA pokemon, violet exclusives
1jhbjdo 2025-03-22 15:52:57/u/PandahHeartSVLF: HA Aprimons FT: HA Aprimons
1jh7dwh 2025-03-22 12:31:09/u/seulmaySVOn-hand HA Aprimon Clearance! | LF: Items in SV
1jh60t1 2025-03-22 11:05:22/u/JeroenVH1988SVLF: shop ball Quaxley FT: any aprimon
1jh44co 2025-03-22 08:45:57/u/Evie_xivSVLF specific breeds (mostly eggmoves), ability patches & apriballs - FT HA Aprimon
1jh0927 2025-03-22 04:14:38/u/Negative_Selection_9SVLF: items FT: on-hand HA aprimons
1jgttnw 2025-03-21 22:47:18/u/Cesar1787SVLF: Pladea Starters in Apriballs, FT: Hisuian Growlith in Sports Ball
1jgq62b 2025-03-21 20:06:21/u/SonictrainerGiveawaySonictrainer's Shop Giveaway #52: Mixed Ball Paldea Starters (Scarlet/Violet)
1jgmxlj 2025-03-21 17:50:55/u/IswearmynameisnotSVLF: HA Quaxly in a Friend, Heavy, Sport balls | HA Paldean starters in shop balls | Offers / FT: Breedables from collection
1jg876x 2025-03-21 03:58:21/u/LumirraSVLF Dream + Love Ball Fuecoco
1jg1ph9 2025-03-20 22:33:26/u/MarzipanSantaItemLF: BDSP ApriSpinda, BDSP/SWSH items, FT: Custom (shiny) breeding, Aprimon, and more
1jfk26k 2025-03-20 08:18:19/u/cKalviSVLf: HA shopball hisuian Voltorbs, Ft: HA paldean starters in any April or shop ball
1jfgvuk 2025-03-20 04:27:33/u/USD729SVLF Ability patches FT HA Aprimons
1jfbs76 2025-03-20 00:01:17/u/Duality44SVLF Dusk Ball HA Fuecoco FT On Hands, Ability Patch, Apriball
1jf8uti 2025-03-19 21:50:15/u/jcbtlrSVStill looking for a few Apri/Shop ball SV starters. FT other Apri/Shop ball SV starters or ask for something.
1jf38ts 2025-03-19 17:58:22/u/Dinot3SVLF: Fuecoco in heal, Sprigatito in dusk, quaxly in quick. FT: Fuecoco in love, Sprigatito in friend, quaxly in lure (and other aprimons!)
1jem1t8 2025-03-19 01:45:03/u/voltrathelivelySVLF: Apriballs + Aprimons FT: Aprimons
1jekqna 2025-03-19 00:39:41/u/jurassicbaneSVLF HA Aprimons FT Apriballs
1jedlr6 2025-03-18 19:31:00/u/buttersweetbeetsGiveawayDream ball Girafarig/Moon ball Eevee
1jeascb 2025-03-18 17:37:56/u/St0rm24HomeLF: Love Ball Tadbulb // FT: Aprimons
1jearxe 2025-03-18 17:37:30/u/trainerprimeBDSPLooking for a Pidgey in an apriball
1je97cr 2025-03-18 16:33:51/u/greenfrog100GiveawayFriend Ball Tynamo
1je06le 2025-03-18 08:24:53/u/seulmaySVOn-hand HA Aprimon Clearance! | LF: Items
1jdxd0b 2025-03-18 04:51:55/u/SnooComics9722SVLf oranguru and stonejourner
1jdvz7n 2025-03-18 03:28:41/u/RageofToroSVLF: Paldean Starters in Shopballs FT: Paldean Starters in Apriballs/Shopballs
1jdrers 2025-03-17 23:41:14/u/Mathias_GreyjoySVLF: Lure, Moon Quaxly. Hidden Ability Aprimon, Apriballs, Max Mushrooms/Soup, Ability Patches - FT: Hidden Ability Aprimon.
1jdf1vx 2025-03-17 15:15:39/u/greenfrog100GiveawayFriend Ball Tynamo Giveaway
1jd75ya 2025-03-17 07:33:24/u/therealmikeOSVLF: Chikorita FT: Fuecoco Love or Beast, Quaxly Heavy or Dream, Sprigatito Beast
1jd5t1x 2025-03-17 05:51:10/u/therealmikeOSVLF: Chespin, Rowlet, Litten, Popplio & Grookey FT: Paldea Apriball Starters
1jd19zk 2025-03-17 01:27:24/u/ichportGiveawayAprimon Giveaway: HA Paldea Starters!
1jczh97 2025-03-16 23:57:36/u/Duality44SVLF Apri/Shop Fuecoco and Quaxly FT Apriballs
1jcyljk 2025-03-16 23:15:55/u/jurassicbaneSVLF HA Aprimons FT Apriballs
1jcyipm 2025-03-16 23:12:24/u/RageofToroSVLF: HA Paldea Starters in Various Balls/ FT HA Paldean Starters in Apriballs & More
1jcu6j6 2025-03-16 19:57:03/u/Timsus85317SVLF: Paldea starters in Heavy Ball FT: Paldea starters in Apri and shopball
1jcsf68 2025-03-16 18:42:36/u/Andywolf101SVViolet and Scarlet Rare Ball Starters


Post ID Local time Submitter Flair Title
1jj8kun 2025-03-25 02:00:33/u/Straightbot78TradebackBD:lf trade evo help
1jj8b95 2025-03-25 01:47:06/u/javox12SVSV Armor trade
1jj890s 2025-03-25 01:44:01/u/IntelligentAffect734SVNeed to finish dex can do tradebacks
1jj85sa 2025-03-25 01:39:32/u/bsamarelBDSPLF. Spinda
1jj83o6 2025-03-25 01:36:38/u/nvrnrv08SWSHLooking to complete dex
1jj7l1a 2025-03-25 01:10:58/u/dndnerd27SVLF: Mightiest Mark H-Decidueye FT: ???
1jj7ip2 2025-03-25 01:07:54/u/Cautious_Put_7992LGPEPLGE LF: Low Lvl Female Oddish
1jj7eg3 2025-03-25 01:02:16/u/MattyisrudeSWSHlooking to complete sword fed
1jj7042 2025-03-25 00:43:23/u/Xetro_SWSHPorygon Trade Evolution
1jj6xba 2025-03-25 00:39:40/u/Cautious_Put_7992LGPELF: Oddish
1jj6vm8 2025-03-25 00:37:25/u/retrododgerLGPELF: Omanyte FT: Kabuto
1jj6qs7 2025-03-25 00:30:53/u/BlazeBringer5678BDSPlooking for misdreavus
1jj62zf 2025-03-25 00:00:13/u/DawgPoundJoeTradebackLF: TouchTrade for LGPE Mewtwo
1jj610z 2025-03-24 23:57:45/u/alexisonline99TradebackSWSH: Looking To Trade Evo+Tradeback Swirlix
1jj59hb 2025-03-24 23:23:38/u/Ramones2799SVLF Iron Boulder // FT Gorging Fire
1jj50us 2025-03-24 23:13:36/u/Severe-Feed9870SVLF: Violet exclusive pokemon
1jj4kp6 2025-03-24 22:54:54/u/Rum-Ham96LGPELF: Lets go Eevee Exclusives and Trade evos.
1jj4fup 2025-03-24 22:49:07/u/cyberalex2SVTrade evolution
1jj3v4t 2025-03-24 22:24:50/u/dawsonharrisssSWSHPLS help complete Pokedex :)
1jj3si9 2025-03-24 22:21:47/u/rani10009HomeFT: Self Caught Legendaries from Gen 6 and Gen 7 (link in text below) LF: Any legendary Pokemon!
1jj36qm 2025-03-24 21:56:37/u/MissRekieSVLF scarlet past paradox mins (laugh at the violet player)
1jj2vku 2025-03-24 21:43:45/u/Ramones2799SVLF Iron Boulder + Iron Crown // FT Raging Bolt + Gouging Fire
1jj2na8 2025-03-24 21:34:11/u/hticncSWSHTrade Evos, Scizor and Alakazam (for playthrough), will evolve your trade evos if you need any
1jj2aaj 2025-03-24 21:19:27/u/nvrnrv08SWSHLF: Some shield exclusives
1jj2543 2025-03-24 21:13:41/u/ReikrashTMSVLF: Miraidon, Iron Crown, Iron Boulder
1jj1lxr 2025-03-24 20:52:21/u/utterscientestSVLf : magmar trade back
1jj1d5y 2025-03-24 20:42:36/u/SeaBoysenberry5373SVLF: Flutter Mane (violet player 😢)
1jj08um 2025-03-24 19:59:21/u/Sea-Ideal1780SVLooking for a Raging Bolt to complete my living dex! Will trade Iron Crown!
1jizzcx 2025-03-24 19:48:52/u/Business_Dingo7332SVLF #114 Misdreavous FT VIO equivalent
1jizaiv 2025-03-24 19:21:51/u/tandemausloverSVLF: Raging bolt and Gouging Fire FT: The violet equivalents
1jiysy1 2025-03-24 19:02:19/u/twiceisgoodenoughSWSHLF #807 and #893
1jiy8au 2025-03-24 18:40:22/u/KiasuMCSVLF: 6IV Swampert (or previous evos) FT: Anything I have that you need
1jiy5v8 2025-03-24 18:37:40/u/zoufantasticalSVStarter for starter trade
1jixzyb 2025-03-24 18:31:16/u/ncle_carloSVLooking to complete my Pokédex just need a oranguru
1jixp12 2025-03-24 18:19:14/u/Uriiel_21LGPELF: LGE Exclusives , FT: LGP Exclusives
1jixmdu 2025-03-24 18:16:27/u/RecurringQtipSVLooking to trade my Scyther with a metal coat and trade back
1jivojo 2025-03-24 17:00:46/u/ShamaySWSHLF Touch Trade Zacian, FT Zamazenta or Others
1jiuzwy 2025-03-24 16:33:24/u/Select-County-6956SVI need help completing my pokedex (Pokemon Scarlet)
1jiuhfu 2025-03-24 16:12:38/u/livimarySWSHLF: touch trade Porygon in SWSH
1jitlxj 2025-03-24 15:37:34/u/NoahIsNeatoLGPELF: Bellsprout and trade evolutions!
1jitg6l 2025-03-24 15:30:51/u/VaughanBros1BDSPLooking for BDSP Palkia Touch Trade
1jita9e 2025-03-24 15:23:54/u/maverickroseSVNeed to trade evolve a Porygon up to Porygon-Z
1jism18 2025-03-24 14:56:41/u/tearsforLGPELF: LGE exclusives and trade evos. FT: the same
1jirlu4 2025-03-24 14:12:56/u/Conan0220SWSHAnyone willing to help complete Home regional dex for Sword/Shield by touch trading some trade evos? Trade code 1111-9999
1jirc1w 2025-03-24 14:00:48/u/HastyCerberusSWSHI need Porygon2 and Porygon-Z from SwSh
1jiqf6f 2025-03-24 13:16:55/u/Octane423SWSHLF: foreign ditto for masuda method FT: english ditto
1jiqa94 2025-03-24 13:10:20/u/supaninjamommySVLF: 5-Star Raid Flutter Mane (English) with Perfect SpA and SpE IVs. FT: Your choice
1jiq5j3 2025-03-24 13:03:57/u/PakjeTaksiSVEvo trade Scyther
1jiq1j6 2025-03-24 12:58:46/u/GreenBigPotatoSVRaging Bolt and Gouging Fire help
1jipjkz 2025-03-24 12:32:40/u/andriushkatwoSVNeed 3 DLC version exclusives and a Kingdra